Office Policies
Welcome to our office, both new and established patients!
Each time you sign in, make sure to update both your personal and insurance
information. Include your e-mail address and cell phone number. Make sure our e-mail
numbers are removed from your spam control. The front desk is for appointments only.
All other correspondence should be via e-mail or fax.
Provider Visits: All new patients will require a screening physical for comprehensive
health care. New Patients require a follow-up visit to review their work-up.
Established patients should consider annual physicals. Check with your carrier to
determine when you are eligible (calendar year or contract year!)
Pharmacy Refills /Referrals and Authorizations: Handled by e-mail or fax. Fax refill
requests to 305-662-1359 or e-mail to Messages will be
reviewed in the morning and afternoon. Not after hours. Try and refill your routine meds
at the same time and from the same pharmacy.​
When filling your prescription, check with your pharmacist regarding potential
drug-drug interactions. Ask about generic drugs. Most brand drugs have websites.
Check for coupons and discounts.
If your plan requires a referral, schedule your appointment with the specialist first. Then
e-mail or fax us the doctor’s name, the date of your appointment and whether you want
us to fax or e-mail you the referral (leave #) We do not fax referrals to the specialist,
except in the cases of emergencies. We need 4 working days to process your referral.
New problems and referrals to the appropriate specialist often require an office visit or
phone consult for diagnosis and documentation.
It is your responsibility to follow-up with any referrals originating from this office.
Pre-op Physicals – We are unique in that we do our own complete pre-op physicals here
in the office. Please tell the surgical scheduling nurse and the hospital coordinator that
your doctor will be performing this important procedure in the office. This provides
continuity of care with Dr. Raben and ensures control over your medical records.
Emergency Room Visits: If you are seen in an Emergency Room, please try and obtain
copies of any laboratory or radiology studies performed to bring to your follow up visit.
Insurance (305-552-1268) – Please contact the billing provider to assist you with any
questions you may have regarding statements you receive.
Office hours are Monday through Saturday. We are available after hours on an
emergency basis via e-mail at
For true emergencies call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Morning messages will be returned before 1pm. Afternoon messages will be returned
before the office closes at 4:30pm. Please leave a number where you can be reached
during these times, including an extension.
Co-payments/Deductibles/Convenience Fee: Due at the time of service including
diagnostic testing.
Services not covered by your insurance: Our chief objective continues to be the
provision of excellent medical care. There may be services we provide or tests we
recommend that are not covered by your insurance provider. We will try to work with
you; however, it ultimately comes down to what is best for your health. You will be
responsible for any non-covered charges, including pre-existing conditions.
There will be a $15 computer data entry fee for labs drawn in the office.
There will be a fee for copying medical records and for rush referrals or duplicate
lab reports. Bring lab reports from this office to your specialist visit.
There is a $30 walk-in fee if you do not have a scheduled appointment.
Charges for phone calls, both during and after office hours, e-mail consultations,
disability, school, work or insurance forms will vary depending on content.
There will be a $35 non-cancellation fee if you do not call to cancel an appointment.
You may e-mail us at if it is after hours. It does not need
to be 24 hours in advance. Just let us know so another patient can be seen. The fee
will be $50 if a statement is generated.
In-house services include:
Pulmonary -Dr. Grynberg Bone
Densitometry /EKG
Ultrasound specialist – Luis Perez
In-house lab collection / X-ray
Audiology Referrals
Laboratory Reports are an important part of health care management. You can enroll
directly with your lab provider ( or
Make sure you sign up for this program as labs will not be e-mailed or faxed.
If necessary, you may schedule a follow-up visit or a phone consultation to review
these findings. The doctor will call you only if there is a new finding or an
emergency. Other office procedures or notes are not available online.
Small Children – This office is not child-proofed. We prefer you not bring mobile small
children. If you must, please make sure they are well-attended during your visit and keep
the space they occupy safe and clean.
Dr. Raben has elected, as per Florida law, not to carry Malpractice Insurance.